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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

[5.75/10] The Marksman (2021)

The Marksman (2021)

Quick Review: Watchable at best, "The Marksman" feels like it's been written exactly for Neeson, who yet again turns in a typical role as a superhuman middle-aged man, who plays a tricky cat-'n-mouse on-the-run game with a bunch of ruthless Mexican criminals to save a kid, and though Liam is solid as usual and the 'catch me if you can' plot is taut enough to hold your interest, we've seen it many times before, but with more and better action, as the latter is virtually lacking here.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

He needs to start picking more original movies. If he's not careful, he'll turn into the next Bruce Willis.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, well-said. He definitely should, though in this one he seems a bit too old to play the action star he was before.