Matthew MacNish @ QQQE and my dear friend Alex J. Cavanaugh are hosting this awesome blogfest, aptly titled Pay It Forward, which main purpose is to introduce everyone to everyone else. How it works? Well, each of the participants in the blogfest has to post links to three of their most favorite blogs and to share why did the fall in love with these particular blog(ger)s. So the idea is to visit and follow as many of these fantastic blogs/people as you can. What are you waiting for? Do it now! :)
It was really hard to pick only three blogs, but since I'm obviously a film-obsessed person, I decided to go with 3 of my favorite movie blogs, which I absolutely love!
Maynard Morrissey's
HorrO's Gory Reviews
Harry is a true horror geek coming from Austria (not Australia!). He's not only very passionate about horror cinema in general, but he's also an amazing person - smart, funny, kind and polite. He delivers the reviews exactly the way I like them - short'n'sweet, to-the-point, and witty, plus he's such a good writer, you'd never guess English is not his first language. Check out his cool blog now! Oh, and today is his birthday. Happy birthday, Harry!
J-SON is from the stunning Singapore and he's a great reviewer and a very capable and skillful writer. He knows what he's talking about and his reviews are always compelling, competent and incredibly well-written. I still can not believe he has only 20 followers. It's ridiculous. He deserves at least 10 times as much. Go follow this amazing guy!

HorrO is another horror fanatic I absolutely adore! He's a sucker for everything horror and I admire him for that reason. Moreover, he's an incredible writer, and I must admit that we often agree about movies, because we obviously have similar cinematic taste. His reviews are clever, entertaining to read and, well, gory. Check them out.
George. Thanks so much for taking part in our blogfest. Looks like you're featuring some awesome blogs here.
Great reviews of blogs as well as movies, nicely done!
Matthew, the pleasure was all mine. I loved the idea of this blogfest and I'm glad I'm part of it. Yep, those three are amazing!
Pat, thank you so much for being a regular commentor. It means a lot! Really!
visited all three. Thanks.
Thank you, Budd. Glad you did it. Did you follow as well? :)
Thank you SO MUCH for the mention. An honour to be cited as one of your favourite film sites and I had a good time checking out all the blogs listed too.
I can never thank you enough.
J-Son, you're welcome,buddy! YOU DESERVE IT! And, es, your blog is amongst my VERY favorites. U r a great guys and I hope you get many new followers!
my goodness, I'm speechless.
Thank you sooooo much, I'm truly honored!!
Really nice blogfest! Love the idea, might write a post.
Ahh, so much gore! Okay, going to check them out. :)
Maynard, you're welcome buddy. Enjoy the new visitors/readers/followers. And happy birthday! :)
Lesya, the idea is indeed very cool. You can still sign up. It's never too late. :)
Lydia, don't worry, those are not as gory as they sound. You may enter with your eyes open. :)
The last one is new to me! Will go visit. Thanks for participating in the blogfest, George.
Alex, check it out then. :) HorrO is great!
The pleasure is all mine, Alex. I just love those blogfests.
I confess. I'm not a movie watcher. Your blog and masthead look awesome though!
J.L. Thank you so much, glad you enjoy the visuals of my blog. You should become a movie watcher, you're missing a lot. :)
First of all, great picks. But more importantly, LOVE your blog. Glad I checked it out. Consider me a new follower.
- http://pensuasion.blogspot.com/
S. L. Hennessy, thank you SO MUCH for the lovely words. I'm extremely happy that you loved my blog and thanks for becoming a follower. I'll follow back right away! :)
HI!! I'm glad I found you from the blog hop. I LOVE movies. Often have movie reviews or quotes on my blog...pretty much weekly. Yay!!!!!!!
I'm off to find the subscribe button to your blog. Yay!
Lynn, thank you so much for the kind words. Glad to know I've found another movie lover, like myself. Hey, and you're gorgeous!
Thanks for the follow. I wanted to follow back but couldn't find the button. Does wordpress have a follow button? :)
Yay for my bestest blog buddy Maynard! He's so sweet and polite and he manages to watch like 50 horror movies a week and review them all. I don't know how he does it.
Am now following J-son and HorrO! Not sure why I wasn't before...
This bloghop is fun. So many new blogs. :)
Michele, thanks for the comment. Yay for Harry! He deserves a recognition for the exact same reason you mentioned above, and because he's super-cool of course.
I wonder the same thing actually. J-Son is an all-rounder, but HorrO is obviously pure horror. It's weird you're not one of his followers.
Thanks, Michele!
M Pax, tell me about it. It's absolutely insane in the best possible sense of the word. :)
I love the blogs you chose. Maynard and J-Son rule! Now I'm going to have visit Horro's Gory Reviews because if you love it, I know I will. :)
Mel, all three of them are amazing. Glad you found out HorrO's blog through this post. ;)
Wooah! I love movies and your blog pretty much helps me pick my movies! Glad to have discovered your blog. Found you through the Ocober blogfest..I am a new follower. :)
Hey, Murugi! :) Welcome to my blog! Glad to know that my blog will be your source for picking movies. Thanks for the follow and the lovely comment. I just followed back. ;)
Thanks man! I really appreciate the kind words, and it is an honor to be in your top 3. I wish I would have known about this event earlier, and would have done one. For sure you would have been in my top 3 as well. It has just been a crazy October! I will be sure to spread the word about your blog on PromoteHorror.com!
HorrO, you're welcome buddy. It's a pleasure to know you and to be a part of your awesome horror blog.
I love PromoteHorror! I'm visiting it from day one and I'll continue doing it. Keep up the good work!
It will be an honor to see my blog mentioned on PH. Thanks in advance!
No problem! By the way, Maynard and I follow each other now thanks to you. He has been using the "What would you like to promote" feature at PromoteHorror.com. Glad we can all help each other out in the blogging world!
HorrO, I'm so glad you two have met! You both are my favorite horror buffs @ the blogsphere. I'm sure you two have many things to discuss ;)
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