My Quick Reviews of the 9 Best Picture Nominees at Oscars 2020
[click on the title to read the quick review]
[8.75/10] Ford v Ferrari
[7.25/10] The Irishman
[7.75/10] Little Women
[8.50/10] Marriage Story
[8.50/10] Parasite
[7.75/10] 1917
[8.00/10] Joker
[8.75/10] Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
[7.25/10] Jojo Rabbit
Should win: Ford v Ferrari
Will win: 1917
Could win: Parasite / Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
I haven't seen Ford v Ferrari yet. Once Upon a Time was not one of my favorite Tarantino films.
Neither was mine, but I still loved it. FvF is absolutely brilliant!
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