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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

[5.50/10] The Iron Lady (2011)

The Iron Lady (2011)

QuickRating: Meryl Streep's performance as the title character is simply sensational and arguably the best of 2011, and thanks to her, the movie is somewhat watchable and fairly engaging, but "The Iron Lady" doesn't really work as a biopic, nor as a character study, because half of it features a documentary-like footage, and the other half spends way too much time on Thatcher's late life and not enough time on the start of her political career.


Unknown said...

I didn't think this role lauded Meryl an Oscar. She's given much better performances. Viola Davis far and away outshone her this year and was robbed. She was good and made the movie better than it was, but I didn't really like this film at all.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Mel, you know what, I kinda disagree. As much as I like Viola and The Help, I thought her performance was a bit monotonous and easier to play than Meryl's. Octavia Spencer stole the show for me, and left Viola far behind. Streep has given superior performances, but this one one oh her hardest, and I think she deserved this Oscar.