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Monday, February 22, 2021

[7.75/10] I Care a Lot (2021)

I Care a Lot (2021)

Quick Review: A wild, wicked, and wonderfully witty social commentary on conservatorship, charged with a heavy dose of feminism, this brainy satirical thriller is every bit as darkly humorous and shamelessly cheeky as it's disturbingly vile and daringly eye-opening, and although it loses credibility in third act, "I Care a Lot" is a consistently engrossing caper, powered by Pike's captivating turn as the cunning and ambitious Marla, whose greedy, nasty persona you'll equally hate and admire.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Not sure it's quite my kind of movie.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, even if it's not, it's so entertaining, I'm sure you'll enjoy it for what it is. Pike killed it in it!