Quick Review: Generic, plotless, and messy, "Seventh Son" is your typical CGI-laden medieval fantasy flick, that has nothing to offer other than some okay action and creature effects, and a mostly fine cast that has very little to work with, due to a weak characterization, and a badly-written script, only Bridges manages to handle. The somewhat luminous, yet low on contrast visuals, and very poor 3D effects almost hurt the eye, and that is a huge technical mistake not at all easy to forgive.
A shame, this is one I had hoped to see. (sighs)
dolorah, me too. I was so disappointed...
After reading the books I was looking forward to a movie areas remotely close to the same caliber, but it sounds like this is one movie I will be skipping.
Considering the great cast as well as the very decent trailer, I expected it to be executed better. Sadly, that's not the case.
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