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Thursday, August 23, 2012

[4.25/10] The Lucky One (2012)

The Lucky One (2012)

QuickRating: Sure, almost nothing about this romantic drama based on Nicholas Sparks 2008 novel of the same name feels over-exaggerated or too cheesy and sentimental and Taylor Schilling's super-expressive performance makes it watchable at times, but at the end of the day, Scott Hicks' "The Lucky One" is painfully slow-moving, everything but heartfelt and touching, and full of countless and rather tedious love scenes, and it's every bit as dull as Zac Efron's bland character.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You know, I've never seen a Nicholas Sparks movie, and that trend shall continue.

Unknown said...

I think you've just described every single Nicholas Sparks movie and novel. LOL He and Stephenie Meyers are responsible for lowering the intelligence of about a third of the world's population with their tripe. I loathe every syllable Sparks has written and think all of his movies are the worst in cinema. Bland stories about vanilla people filled with cheesy romantic cliches. He wouldn't know an original story if bit him on the ass.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, and I've seen them all and this one has to be the worst. The Notebook was exceptional!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Mel, wow I had no idea you dislike Sparks that much. I'm kinda shocked.
I haven't ready any of his novels, but I've seen every single one of the films based on them, and I have mixed feelings about his style. One thing is for sure - this guy loves big drama. LOL. I loved The Notebook quite a lot. I touched me an it moved me. His other pieces... not so much.

Unknown said...

Yes, I loathe Sparky. Don't mistake his work for drama. It's not, it's called melodrama, which is what you get in soap operas and telenovelas. And well, you know how much I hate the Notebook. :) Yes, I am Ebenezer Scrooge when it comes to that film. LOL

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Mel, for me melodrama means cheesy drama, and you're right - the drama in his stories is mostly cheesy and soap opera-like.
Thanks for reminding me how much you hate The Notebook. I was forgotten.

Damon said...

I felt The Lucky One was a bit plain. Spark’s book was great for driving tissue sales, but the movie wasn’t as great as I’d hoped. I asked a few Dish coworkers how they felt about the movie since some have read the book and they felt it was a far cry from what it should have been. I did see it in theaters in April, and have added it to my Blockbuster @Home queue since I just finished the book. I want to see what I missed. Great review!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Damon, I felt the same way as well. Too ordinary for my taste and not nearly as touching as it thinks it is. Haven't read the book and I doubt I ever will. :) Thank you so much, I appreciate it.