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Sunday, November 17, 2019

[8.75/10] Ford v Ferrari (2019)

Ford v Ferrari (2019)
Quick Review: Charged by Damon and Bale's chemistry, and balancing out deftly-crafted car racing scenes with cutting-edge sound effects that give an adrenaline rush, and a truly engrossing, fact-based story about talent, passion, skill, and spirit, that has a seemingly competitive nature, but dealing with family, friendship, and support, it's in fact very human at its heart, the tastefully retro "Ford v Ferrari" is as much a speedy thrill- ride on the track, as it's an emotive roller-coaster when off it.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I definitely want to see it.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Make sure you do, it was absolutely fantastic!