Haunted Changi (2010)
Brief review: "Haunted Changi" is yet another 'found footage' horror flick, this time coming from Singapore, done in the same fashion as "The Blair Witch Project", and although it has quite an intriguing premise, this moc-doc is lacking a bit in execution, and is way less scary and effective than most movies of this genre. While nothing particularly interesting happens in the first half, as it mostly consists of random shots of Changi and fake black and white documentary sequences, the second half and especially the finale are much more tense, thrilling and entertaining to watch. The 'secret tunnel' scene deserves a special mention, as it's utterly claustrophobic and quite chilling. The hand-held camera produces jerky and unsteady images that create a sense of authenticity, but this technique is rather necessary for this type of film, and it could be already considered as clichéd. On a positive note, "Haunted Changi" is quite atmospheric, visually. The grim and filthy setting of the abandoned Changi hospital is creepy as hell, but it barely increases the scare factor of the story. Furthermore, the film offers some passable performances from the cast involved, but none of the characters is particularly memorable or at least likable.
This sounds very cool. I love to see "found footage" if it's done right. Have you seen The Poughkeepsie Tapes? Very creepy, I was actually kind of disturbed in a few scenes. And that killer, oh my God. Crazy!
Mel, I love found footage/POV horrors as well. If you haven't seen [REC] watch it as soon as you get the chance. It's hands down the scariest and creepiest horror film I've ever seen in my life. Prepare to be terrified! :)
Never heard of The Poughkeepsie Tapes, if I have to be honest. Is it a real documentary or a moc-doc?
What's a Changi?
It's a moc doc deal. It creeped me out very badly. I don't know why because I'm a horror fan and it takes a lot to work on me, but for some reason this movie gave me the shivers. My friend hated it, thought it was the lamest thing he'd ever seen. Yes there are lame parts to it, but I just, I don't know, maybe it's the torture. It's a very small film.
Vapor, Changi is the name of the abandoned hospital ;)
Melissa, didn't know you're a horror fan:) It's yet another thing we have in common ;)
I'll definitely check it out if I find it. Unfortunately, I've seen so many horror films, that barely any move gives me the creeps.
I kind of thought the found footage thing had played itself out, but "Paranormal Activity" seems to have breathed new life into this sub-genre. For my money "Blair Witch" is still be best of lot. I'll never forget the the "WTF was that?" feeling I had after watching it.
Bleaux Leaux, for me [REC] remains the best of them all moc-docs out there. Hackneyed, you say? I don't think so. The 'found footage' genre is yet to be developed. :)
Never heard of it either!? maybe ill check it tonight
You've never heard of it probably because it's Singaporian. :) You may check it out - it's pretty watchable.
Those camera effects are pretty distracting and made it less convincing according to my opinion, also the lame ending.
The shaky camera effects are not that distracting, but not very effective either. I didn't even want to mention the ending - it was way too ridiculous and inappropriate.
in my country (Philippines) "Changi" means novelty shops. Imagine me laughing when I read this movie's title! XD
Kaijinu, LOL. How's that possible? :)
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