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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

[4.00/10] A Ghost Story (2017)

A Ghost Story (2017)

Quick Review: Numb, monotonous and weird beyond belief, this bland supernatural romance attempts to touch and affect through its subtle visual storytelling, and yet instead of being mesmerizing in its peculiarity, "A Ghost Story" turns out to be such an unbearably sluggish, pretentious bore, it feels like watching paint dry. Almost devoid of dialogue, this artsy snoozefest consists of slow and long scenes featuring Affleck covered in a sheet, portraying a dull ghost who practically does nothing.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

As my living room does need painting, I think I will go watch paint dry.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Lol, Alex, you'll need lot of patience. :)